Kontho Typing Software Privacy Policies


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. At, odio reiciendis a nostrum eaque dolores, vel quaerat dolorem, dignissimos eveniet atque deserunt voluptatibus ut reprehenderit? Alias iure sequi suscipit distinctio, tenetur eligendi beatae, doloribus nisi harum ullam eaque adipisci dolorum accusantium molestias. Ipsum exercitationem harum in quaerat accusamus voluptatem earum, dignissimos voluptatibus nemo repellat distinctio qui sit numquam mollitia recusandae eius ducimus quo repellendus nulla dolorem illum labore cupiditate reiciendis. Cumque dolore ex excepturi veritatis cupiditate, neque iste eius modi adipisci reprehenderit alias porro quaerat a. Ad perspiciatis similique laborum blanditiis voluptatem? Officia optio voluptatibus ipsam facere veniam fugiat debitis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos eveniet ipsum culpa velit officiis, earum sit quaerat provident esse ex totam sapiente, quasi laudantium ipsa nostrum adipisci veritatis tempora. Quae neque rem natus rerum atque! Sint placeat modi architecto quae non incidunt quos minus explicabo recusandae, ducimus dignissimos quia optio eaque ratione repellat dicta libero sapiente itaque! Alias accusantium sequi hic dolorum natus veniam repellendus, iure molestias aperiam harum aut beatae a incidunt molestiae fuga excepturi, corrupti reiciendis odio, error aliquid quis quisquam qui ipsa sed! In deleniti voluptatibus sit fugiat minus porro eveniet repellendus, dolore consequatur, unde, sapiente impedit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ducimus placeat quam explicabo alias veniam dolores. Eaque ipsam harum expedita libero. Ullam vel doloribus minima hic necessitatibus inventore, est officia alias cupiditate sequi magnam, voluptate rerum itaque totam earum nesciunt quisquam. Quidem totam et corrupti fuga, voluptates architecto, enim odit deleniti assumenda mollitia magni iusto ea pariatur? Rem quidem beatae repellat perspiciatis ducimus repudiandae praesentium neque quaerat suscipit fugiat. Deleniti modi distinctio aspernatur et sed ipsam quaerat, omnis libero inventore laudantium tenetur, nulla provident ex eaque rerum! Vero dolorem odit magnam id sed veritatis impedit officiis, suscipit maxime, maiores provident aliquam.


The "Licensed Software" includes all of the contents of the files, disk(s), CD-ROM(s), DVDs, or other media for which this EULA is provided, including but not limited to: third party computer information or software that the Licensor has licensed for inclusion in the Licensed Software; written materials or files relating to the Licensed Software ("Documentation"); fonts; modified versions, updates, additions, and copies of the Licensed Software, if any.


Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and your payment of the license fee, ***** hereby grants you (an individual) the limited, revocable, personal, non-exclusive, and non-transferable right to download, install and activate the Software on one device solely for your personal, private and non-commercial use, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or additional EULA. Sharing the Software with others, or allowing others to view the contents of this Software, is in violation of the License. You may not make the Software available over a network, or in any way provide the Software to multiple users, unless you have purchased a multi-user license from ***** in advance. ***** reserves all rights not expressly granted to You in this Agreement.

Regarding the "*******” software, there are two kinds of license, ******* Individual Plan which are intended for individual use only and ******* Business Plan which are intended for both individual use and business entity use. You can refer to the ADDITIANL EULA TERMS (*******) for more information.

  1. 3.1 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to modify, adapt, translate, sublicense, rent, lease, or loan all or any portion of the Licensed Software or Documentation; and
  2. 3.2Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to create any derivative works from all or any portion of the Licensed Software or Documentation; and Licensee may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Licensed Software; and
  3. 3.3 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to use a previous version of the Licensed Software after receiving a media replacement or upgraded version as a replacement to a prior version (in such case Licensee must destroy the prior version); and
  4. 3.4 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to use the Licensed Software in the operation of any business, aircraft, ship, nuclear facilities, life support machines, communication systems, or any other equipment in which the failure of the software could lead to personal injury, death, or environmental damage; and
  5. 3.5 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to remove or obscure Licensor's copyright or trademark notices, or the copyright and trademark notices of any third parties that Licensor has included in the Licensed Software or Documentation; and
  6. 3.6 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to use the Licensed Software to host applications for third parties, as part of a facility management, timesharing, service provider, or service bureau arrangement; and
  7. 3.7 Licensee may not install the Licensed Software on other devices after the Licensed Software has been installed on one device without Licensor’s prior consent.
  8. 3.8 Licensee may not and agrees not to or enable others to use the Licensed Software in any manner that is illegal or not authorized by this EULA;

Licensee can only install one copy of the Licensed Software on a single device. The Licensee must be the primary user of the device on which the Licensed Software is installed. This Agreement shall apply to all installations of the Licensed Software. Installation of the Licensed Software on two or more devices is prohibited. The Licensee may purchase and install multiple licenses if Licensee wants to install software on two or more devices. Licensee shall be solely responsible for all expenses incurred in Licensee's installation and use of the Licensed Software.


***** is committed to helping protect your privacy at all times except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. This statement explains the anonymous data collection process and usage practices for the Software Improvement Program of *****.

In order to provide and improve the software, its features, and user's experience, we will automatically collect, maintain process and use information concerning the way the various modules and functionalities of ***** software are being used. Information is also gathered anonymously for the purpose of statistical analysis about Software usage.

We will only use such information for the purpose of providing end users with the best possible software experience. The collected data will not be disclosed, shared, sold, traded or rented to any third parties for marketing purposes. For users who do not wish to enable this service, you may opt-out in the advanced options menu during the installation process.


The Licensed Software contains technological measures that are designed to prevent its unlicensed or illegal use. The Licensed Software may contain enforcement technology that limits Licensee's ability to install and uninstall the Licensed Software on a machine to no more than a finite number of times, for a finite number of devices and for a defined period in time designated by the purchased License. The Licensed Software may require activation during installation and in the Documentation. If any of such applicable activation procedure(s) is not followed, the Licensed Software may only operate for a finite period of time. If activation is required, but the Licensee doesn't complete activation within the finite period of time set forth in the Documentation or explained during installation, the Licensed Software will cease to function until activation has been completed, by which time functionality will be restored. If Licensee has any problem with the activation process, Licensee may contact the Licensor customer service for support.


Licensee may be granted an evaluation copy of the Licensed Software free of charge for a finite period of time (the "Evaluation Copy"). Certain features and/or functionality of the Licensed Software may be locked or unavailable in the Evaluation Copy. In order to benefit from all features and functionality of the Licensed Software, Licensee have to purchase a valid license activation key. From the moment that Licensee activates Licensed Software with a valid license key, the Evaluation Copy shall cease from being considered an Evaluation Copy and all the terms of this Agreement shall commence to apply in their entirety.


There are several kinds of License which Licensee may choose to purchase. If the Licensee choose to purchase a lifetime license, you may use it until terminated. If you choose to purchase a license for a specific period of time, you can only use it during the specific period. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying the Software, together with all copies thereof. The License will be terminated automatically or otherwise cease to be effective if you fail to comply with any term(s) or condition(s) of this Agreement. You shall destroy and cease using the Software, together with all copies thereof immediately after the termination of the License.


Licensee may not rent, lease, lend, sell, assign, sub-license, redistribute or transfer the Licensed Software or the License granted by this EULA without prior written consent of the Licensor.


Licensor may provide Licensee with Software Updates and/or Content Updates from time to time at no charge during the Term of this Agreement. The Licensor may, at its sole discretion, decide if Licensee can get Software Updates and/or Content Updates free of charge or the Licensee has to pay for the Updates. For the purposes hereof, "Update" means a new version of the Licensed Software containing technical modifications, updated information, altered functionality, or any other changes that are intended by Licensor to improve or to add, delete or otherwise modify any aspect of the Licensed Software. "Content Update" shall mean an update of the content used by the Licensed Software that might need to be updated from time to time. If the Licensed Software is an Update to a previous version, Licensee must possess a valid License to the previous version. Any update provided by the Licensor to Licensee is made on a License exchange basis such that Licensee agrees, as a precondition for receiving an Update, that Licensee will terminate all of Licensee's rights to use any previous version of the Licensed Software. However, Licensee may continue to use the previous version only to assist in transitioning to the Updated version. Once an Update has been released, the Licensor may cease service or support for prior versions, without any notice to Licensee. Software Updates and/or Content Updates may be provided via the Licensed Software or on the Licensor websites. This License does not permit Licensee to obtain and use a Software Upgrade and/or a new Licensed Software version. The Licensed Software may require Content Updates in order to work effectively. The Licensor may add new functions, music track, elements, pictures, videos, or delete original functions, music track, elements, pictures, and videos in the Update Software or Upgrade Software.


The Licensed Software and any authorized copies that Licensee makes are the intellectual property of, and are owned by, the Licensor, and by third parties whose intellectual property has been licensed to the Licensor. The structure, organization, and code of the Licensed Software are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of the Licensor and such third parties. ” The Licensed Software is protected by law, including without limitation, the copyright laws of the People's Republic of China and the United States and other countries, and by international treaty provisions. Except as expressly provided in this EULA, Licensee is not granted any intellectual property rights over the Licensed Software. Licensee may not make or publish any public statement concerning the Licensed Software or the Licensor without the prior express written consent of the Licensor.

The Licensee can develop plug-ins properly based on the open interface protocol of the Licensed Software and use them in the licensed software based on licensee's individual legitimate needs, but firstly licensee must obtain explicit and prior written authorization from Licensor. If Licensee fails to get the aforementioned authorization, all the legal liabilities, including but not limited to any loss of or damage to any third party will be solely born by Licensee.


The Licensor is not obligated by this EULA to provide Licensee with any technical support services relating to the Licensed Software; however, Licensee may request additional support services for an additional charge or get free e-mail support as the Licensor may offer from time to time during the term of this EULA. E-mail support includes business priority technical assistance for installation and troubleshooting, and upgrade and maintenance coverage.