Nms Kontho Activation

Nms Kontho Edition

Community Edition

  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Basic Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Free of Cost (All marked features).

Access Plus Edition

  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Included few charges due to google API.

Comparison of Community Edition vs Access Plus

Kontho pad
Features Community Edition Access Plus
Google Word
- Available
Response time 1200 mili sec. 300 mili sec.
Next word prediction - Available
Spell checker Basic Advanced
Speech Recognition - Available
Word Context Menu Disabled Enabled
Custom appearance - Fonts, background color,
border padding etc.
Word Manager Disabled Enabled
Custom shortcuts - Available

Subscription Plans


Community Edition


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Basic Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Number of Device Unlimited.

For 7 Days Access Plus User


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Number of Device 1.
  • Validity 7days (1 Week).

For 30 Days Access Plus User


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Number of Device 1.
  • Validity 30days (1 Months).

For 90 Days Access Plus User


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Number of Device 1.
  • Validity 90days (3 Months).

For 180 Days Access Plus User


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Bonus Serial key (Condition Applied).
  • Validity 180days (6 Months).

For 1 Year Access Plus User


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Bonus Serial key (Condition Applied).
  • Validity 1 year (365days).

For Access Plus User Life Time Use (800 rupe for Indian)


  • Quickly switch between languages with the F12 key.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert spoken words into text effortlessly.
  • Get smart word recommendation from Google.
  • Access dictionary word manager.
  • Access context-specific options for words.
  • Receive word suggestions in both Bangla and English.
  • Next Word Prediction: Swiftly suggests your next words.
  • Personalize your appearance with custom fonts, colors, and more.
  • Create custom shortcuts for efficient navigation.
  • Advanced Spell Checker: Ensures accurate error correction.
  • Bangla Output as Unicode, ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Convert Unicode To/From ANSI V1 and ANSI V2.
  • Nirala Custom Keyboard Layout: Similar to Bijoy.
  • Additional Features: Explore a range of other handy functionalities.
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Bonus Serial key (Condition Applied).
  • Validity 7 years (Renewable with old serial key required)

Subscription Plans

Activation Periods 1 week One Month Three Months Six Months One year Life time
Total Amount 20 BDT
First time Free
60 BDT 160 BDT 300 BDT 500 BDT 1200 BDT
Anticipated Time Savings
18 mins a day (average)
1620 x2
3240 x2
6570 x2
Renewable for
7 years.
Number of devices 1 1 1 2max. 2max. 2max.

How to buy Subscription Plan or Serial Key?

নিচের Payment Method অবলম্বন করে নগদ বা বিকাশ অথবা বিকাশ অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে QR-Code দিয়ে (ভারত থেকে Skrill Money Transfer এর মাধ্যমে) টাকা প্রদান করে Nms Kontho এর Facebook page এ আপনার নাম্বার (যে নাম্বার দিয়ে টাকা প্রদান করেছেন তার শেষের ৪টি সংখ্যা), সাবস্ক্রিপশন প্লান বা Serial Key🔑 কয়টি কিনছেন তার মেয়াদ ও কতটি উল্লেখ করে মেসেজ দিন।
যেমনঃ শেষের ৪টি সংখ্যাঃ ১২৩৪,
মেয়াদঃ ১ বছর,
সাবস্ক্রিপশন প্লান সংখ্যাঃ ১টি।

অবিলম্বে আপনার সাবস্ক্রিপশন প্লান বা Serial Key🔑 প্রক্রিয়া করে আপনাকে পুনারয় মেসেজ করে পাঠানো হবে।

Payment Method

Nagad Skrill

How to Activate your Subscription Plan or Serial Key?

Feel Free to watch this video.
বিঃদ্রঃ আপডেট করতে গিয়ে যদি একটিভেশন মুছে যায় তাহলে সাবস্ক্রিপশন প্লান বা Serial Key🔑 রিনিউ করে দেওয়া হবে (অতিরিক্ত দুই দিন যোগ করে 😃)

Trial Offer for First-Time Use

Nms Kontho সফ্টওয়্যার এর প্রোফেশনাল সংস্করণের জন্য একটি 7 দিনের বিনামূল্যের ট্রায়াল কী 🔑 পেতে, অনুগ্রহ করে Facebook পেজ-এর মাধ্যমে যোগাযোগ করুন৷ আপনার অনুরোধ অবিলম্বে প্রক্রিয়া করা হবে। আপনি যদি Nms Kontho সফটওয়্যারটি পছন্দ করেন তবে আপনার বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে দ্বিধা বোধ করবেন না। ধন্যবাদ

To obtain a 7-day free trial key 🔑 for the Professional version of Nms Kontho, kindly reach out through the Facebook page. Your request will be processed immediately. If you like Nms Kontho software then don't hesitate to share with your friends. Thank you